Wednesday, November 12, 2008

let us post!!!!!!!!

RAchel!!!!!!! TSG just pass by her today!!!! she is soooooooooooo excited and happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..... by the way!!!!
its amelia here....
hahah it's finally over!!!!
and they suspected other people... oppsssss....
chattering now in my room.....

the best part!!!! the best part!!!!!
she walked past someone.. randomness.....
she's over the moon....
she's jumping all around!!!!!
maybe i sound too excited for her too!!

"this is a nice picture" commented by mae yee!!! from the left,
rachel lim cui ai, amelia tee hwei ying, stella ngooi sing yu and tan mae yee.

This picture was taken during our "final" moments together before prom nite!!!!
ok .. let me continue our journey of our day after chemistry exam!!!

After chemistry exam, we stopped for a while to chat with our college mates. Then we decided to head back to rachel's crib. As we are walking past to her crib, we bump into he whom must not be named and we continue our journey back. Then we pass through Mirosha. then again we knew the one coming is coming , so we ran back to her apartment.

I'm sorry I am not allowed to say anything anymore... sorry people!!!!

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