....is spelled c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e
omg. my mom brought home one big bag of heaven from her office that day and now my fat cells are rejoicing and dancing the cha-cha.
Food wise, we finally tried out the barbeque! And I have discovered my second love of my life after chocolate. Sweet potato =D the japanese one lah, the other one is just bleh.
on to something totally different, youtube has been my daily companion these past few days.
ga-in and jo kwon are so funny.
and i'm thinking 2pm will forever be the hottest time of my day, everyday.
i feel like running now. but i think my mom will seriously question my sanity if i start jogging at 12 midnight.
I've been driving rather often these days. Its definitely NOT one of my favourite things to do. I find driving stressful and nerve-wracking and panic-inducing.
Note that this DOES NOT mean I suck at driving.
In fact, i would venture to say that i'm a quite decent driver. Unlike some reckless daredevils i've had the misfortune of encountering.
Haven't been in any accidents yet. Although I admit there were some close calls.
Like the time I almost collided with a motorcyclist who very rightfully got angry and proceeded to yell some not so nice things at me while I struggled to recover from my almost fatal cardiac arrest.
One thing that bugs the hell out of me is parking.
I don't know what is wrong with my car but she just doesn't seem to understand where I want her to go. Especially when getting her to enter those perpendicular parking spaces. My car is just SO SO SO badly behaved when I try to get her to enter them.
I need to like....send her for parking classes. My car is okay with angled parking spaces though.
She seems to like them a lot actually. I think she has a crush on them.
I've given up on online shopping. There's no satisfaction in them.
Talking about shopping, the shopaholic in my mom resurfaced recently and got enough dresses to last a whole year. In 2 weeks. Not that she has any lack mind you. Oh well, I'm not complaining =)
and people of the world, this is called "mencuci mata"